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Best served chilled

Spirited whisky for the brave

Advanced features


A deep breath into the whiskey glass leaves you contented

Taste it

A good whiskey should taste great just like Mega Rhino.


As a whiskey ages in the wooden barrels, it absorbs the wooden flavors more.

New whiskey

Wait no more, the new make of spirit is available here

Ginseng inclusive

Complemented with ginseng root which helps to improve human health.

For the Brave

Just like a Rhino in the jungle, our cocktail is for the brave people.

Mega Rhino Ginseng Cocktail

A courageous looks and bold moves that feels right, with just a glass of cocktail in your hand

Made to last, and it feels so good you won't want to put it down.

Whiskey with repute

Mega Rhino ginseng cocktail is produced using only the finest quality ingredients, including ginseng root for improvement of human health

The real deal

Mega Rhino's taste and colour are the point of difference. The best and the most loved liquor of all time, with millions of people acknowledging the brand.

Ginseng red wine